A fruit vegetable washing machine benefits your business
Vegetables and fruits are essential food for human life, and they are mostly washed manually. But for a large number of fruits and vegetables, the manual cleaning yield is low, water consumption is large, labor cost is high and efficiency is low.
Therefore, for canteens, military, school canteens, hotels, fruit processing factories, and all kinds of vegetable processing plants, manual cleaning can not meet their needs. As a manufacturer of fruit vegetable washing machine, we produce the machine can improve the production efficiency, the machine is suitable for fruits, vegetables, seafood and other kinds of food.

Advantages of fruit vegetable washing machine
Fruit vegetable washer equipment cleaning efficiency can reduce labor costs for enterprises. The flowing water makes the bubbles roll more evenly, they can continuously generate pressure to achieve the purpose of washing fruits. Moreover, the pressure generated by bubble breaking is very gentle, which can protect the surface of the material from damage.
The fruit washing machine is made of stainless steel, there is no hidden danger of rusting. The performance of the fruit vegetable washer machine is stable, and the settings of various details can be adjusted at any time according to the different materials to be washed.
The vegetable washer machine structure is simple, and the lifting part can be dragged out freely, so it is convenient to change the mesh belt of the machine.

Fruit vegetable washer working principle
The material enters the water tank, which is equipped with a high-pressure exhaust pipe inside the tank, through which bubbles are continuously generated in the pool. Under the action of high-pressure water and bubbles, the material is fully tumbled and the debris attached to the surface is removed. The sediment and debris washed off from the surface of the material sinks into the isolation bin at the bottom of the fruit vegetable washing machine. The clean material is washed by spraying after the water is released and sent to the next process.